
Region: Zahringer
Area: Baden
White wine
You’ve got a friend 2019
Rose wines
Let the sunshine in 2019
Red wines
Walk on the wild side 2018
Their locations are surmounted in the east by the peak of the Belchen (with 1414 m the second highest mountain in the Black Forest), in the south stands the more than 1000 years old fortified church of Betberg and in the west the Rhine plain, in the background the Vosges.
Zähringer vineyard alone cultivates 4.5 ha of vines.
It is a classic “First Growth” layer with about 20% slope. The soil conditions are changeable and range from the loess to the clayey loam. In this top location, they exclusively grow Burgundy varieties as well as Gewürztraminer and Sauvignon Blanc, among these ones there are resistant varieties like Solaris, Cabernet Carol.