La Pria

La PriaWinery is a young company, started in 2001 but born from the experience of generations of winemakers. The whole production area consists of about 15 hectares of vineyard. The land is located in the territory of Alonte in the southern part of the Berici, Vicenza.
Hence the choice of Glera Balbi, the ancient primitive strain of Prosecco, which has found a ground and an environment for the growth and production of grapes extremely suitable for sparkling wine.
The recovery of historical documents that prove the existence of Prosecco in the Berici Hills, convinced LaPria that it would be proper to resume the history and tradition with a clutch of new viticultural techniques, with planting renewed.
The Glera grapes, the original source of Prosecco, appears to have originated in the Berici Hills. So says “Il Roccolo”, a document written by Aureliano Acanti in 1754 for the wedding of Elena Ghellini, daughter of Count Gelio Ghellini Villaverla (Vicenza province).
The Roccolo is one of the most important books in the history of Italian wines and probably the most important of Veneto wines, where is mentioned among others, the Prosecco of Monteberico. Acanti’s is the oldest written record of Prosecco and shows the rich cultural backdrop of La Pria.